Contribution to Singapore solar target
Since 2013, LYS Energy Group is proud to be supporting solar deployment in Singapore. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) recently announced that Singapore has achieved its 2020 solar deployment target of 350 megawatt-peak (MWp) within the first quarter this year. The country is now set to surge towards the next solar energy goal i.e. to meet the minimum of 2GWp target by 2030.
“In our efforts towards greater sustainability to tackle climate change, Singapore will increase solar adoption as solar is our most viable source of renewable energy. With strong support from stakeholders such as the commercial and industrial companies, we have successfully met the 350MWp solar target this year. We will press on towards the next solar target of at least 2GWp by 2030 and will continue to work with our stakeholders to make this possible” - Ngiam Shih Chun, Chief Executive of Energy Market Authority.
"Following the recent announcement of EMA, this achievement marks another landmark for Singapore in its journey to bolster the adoption of a clean energy path in Singapore and SEA. Furthermore, it acknowledges the country's dynamic towards achieving a more sustainable economic activity.
Now, more than ever, regardless whether from our solar energy generation platform, or from our energy consultancy practice, LYS Energy Group turns to all our clients, partners, corporations, and climate enthusiast individuals with utmost humility in the face of the humongous task that is ahead of us, to keep our efforts to reduce carbon footprint, tackle global warming challenges and achieve the low-carbon economy.
With our robust business solutions, combined with solid technical expertise to innovate and deploy high-quality solar PV systems, LYS Energy Group ought to sustainably ensure that corporates will meet their clean energy targets, as well as to stay nimble in accelerating Renewable Energy's adoption in Singapore and across the region.” - Lionel Steinitz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LYS Energy Group.
Since its establishment, LYS Energy has produced nearly 100GWh of green electrons and has offset 41,880 Tons (1) of CO2 between 2016-2019 for our clients and partners in Singapore, an equivalent of 3,660,669 Trees (2) and 22,347 4-room Public Housing Household (3).
Where to find LYS Energy solar energy systems projects?
(1) (based on EMA SG Carbon Emission Factor 2018) (2) (based on monitoring platform Meteocontrol, Germany Environment Agency) (3) (based on 4-room public housing electricity consumption 2017 by EMA SG – Average 372.9 kWh)/month)