Bali Beach Clean Up program towards a cleaner environment

Bali Beach Clean Up program to strengthen collaboration towards a cleaner environment

Bali Beach Clean Up program towards a cleaner environment

April 26, 2019

LYS Energy Group

- Golf Fundraising Tournament, Jakarta


Lionel Steinitz, Chief Executive Officer of LYS Energy Group at Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Fundraising Golf Tournament 2019

“The threat of waste to the environment, health, and safety are massive. Trash is becoming nowadays a larger and larger problem for us and for the environment.

In line with UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), LYS's ambition is to educate the ecosystem about the current global climate challenges. Subsequently, we are constantly and pro-actively taking real action to keep our environment cleaner and more sustainable.

LYS Energy Group commits to supporting Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia’s (CCAI) initiative through the golf fundraising activity and driving awareness to keep Bali’s environment greener and cleaner by contributing to the Bali Beach Clean Up (BBCU). We highly believe that Bali's Big Eco Weekend (BBEW) spirit has a snowball effect on our community and will set a positive impact on leading by example of how corporates can be part of the effort.

We are looking forward to joining forces towards improving our environment.”